Safe and effective generics
Our FDA-approved generic drugs are among our expanding animal health product portfolio. Generic medicines work in the same way as their brand-name versions. They use the same active ingredients, and have the same benefits and risks.
Generic animal drug production must also meet strict manufacturing standards to get FDA approval. Because we’re able to leverage the manufacturing power and know-how of Zydus Pharmaceuticals, ZyVet is uniquely positioned to deliver safe and effective generic medicines. Our FDA-approved medications help vets treat and manage disease, fight infection, and improve overall health and wellness of companion pets.

Maropitant Citrate Tablets
Brand Equivalent: Cerenia Tablets
Dosage Form: Scored Tablet
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: mah-rop-eh-tant

Marbofloxacin Tablets
Brand Equivalent: Zeniquin Tablets
Dosage Form: Scored Tablet
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: mar-bow-flocks-uh-sin

Acepromazine Maleate Tablets
Brand Equivalent: Promace Tablets
Dosage Form: Quarter Scored Tablet
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: a-suh-prow-muh-zeen

Enrofloxacin Flavored Antibacterial Tablets
Brand Equivalent: Baytril Tablets
Dosage Form: Double Scored Flavored Tablet
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: in-row-flocks-uh-sin

Carprofen Tablets
Brand Equivalent: Rimadyl Tablets
Dosage Form: Scored Liver Flavored Tablets
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: carp-roh-fen

Selamectin Topical Solution 15mg
Brand Equivalent: Revolution Topical Solution
Dosage Form: Single-dose tube
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: seh-luh-mek-tn

Selamectin Topical Solution 45mg
Brand Equivalent: Revolution Topical Solution
Dosage Form: Single-dose tube
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: seh-luh-mek-tn

Selamectin Topical Solution 60mg
Brand Equivalent: Revolution Topical Solution
Dosage Form: Single-dose tube
Product Status: Active
Pronunciation: seh-luh-mek-tn

Trimeprazine with Prednisolone
Brand Equivalent: Temaril-P Tablets
Dosage Form: Scored Tablets
Product Status: Active